My father lives by himself near Como in Italy, so as soon as it was safe to do so my family and I travelled from London to Italy to be with him.
After self-isolatating on arrival I have since been able to spend quality time with my family and the change of scenery has given me time to pause and reflect.

My father still lives in the house that I grew up in and I love that I can now come here with my children and take them to the places I use to explore as a child.
The surrounding countryside is magical and we have spent many of our days at Lake Alserio, a beautiful small lake only a stone’s throw from the house. Despite being only 45 minutes from Milan the area feels like a little slice of heaven.

I love to connect with nature which is a trait my daughter Bianca has inherited from me and we have been busy setting up a small vegetable garden in my father’s garden.
Unfortunately we arrived too late in the season to plant seeds but we have bought tomatoes, red peppers, celery, zucchini, salad, aubergines and strawberries which we carefully tend to each day.

We both find gardening really therapeutic and it has been wonderful to spend time with Bianca outdoors and teach her about the earth and how to grow and take care of plants.

We have been lucky enough to arrive just in time for the cherries to ripen which taste delicious.

My mum’s roses in full bloom! They are so beautiful and always remind me of her.

Et voilà our first home made salad!